ALL Blog Articles
Dealing with Failure
Failures and setbacks are very different and it’s important to recognize this fact. Even more important is to not treat either of them as a personal affront.
Importance of Emotion
If you want to make progress toward a goal, make sure to account for your emotions. They both motivate and automate your habits.
ABCs of Achievement
New habits require planning, but not that much! Here are the 3 big things to identify to create a habit and make it stick.
Summer In Review
Seasons change. As your new schedule starts, you can actively add the things you want to include and remove the things that aren’t important to you.
Next Level Balance (For All!)
Do you practice balancing? Maybe by standing on one leg? While helpful, single-leg balance is also overly simplistic. Having good balance requires an integration of three different systems.
Be The Change You Want To See
There are 3 key components for clarity in the vision system: Eye Movements, The Lens, The Visual Cortex and all three can be trained!
Think Fast!
It’s a common assumption that as we age, we slow down. And while this is true in part, let’s look a little closer to see how minimizing a loss of reaction time and speed is actually within your control.
What You Don't Know About Your Muscles
There are some natural physiological changes that cause you to lose muscle mass, but the majority of muscle loss comes from common lifestyle choices we make as we age. In other words, we can prevent it!
Remember When
Memory is a skill and like so many other things we take for granted, it is something that can be trained, strengthened, and improved!
Do You Hear What I Hear?
Many people suffer from hearing loss, and they have good reason to believe that it’s an inevitable part of ageing. But here’s the thing. Hearing is complex, and there are parts of hearing loss that can be worked on and improved!
Your Natural Armor
Were you aware that you come equipped with natural armor? If you could choose between stiff and immobile armor or flexible and free-moving, what would you choose?
You do have control over how you age. A lot of what we think of as inevitable ageing is more about unaddressed compensations than genetic predispositions.
Build from the Foundation
Your feet are really important. Learn what you can do to keep them working for you instead of against you.
Don't Get Left On The Side Lines
With summer beginning, it’s time to make sure you’re ready to enjoy it. Be prepared to get yourself moving.
Solving The Myth of Maintenance
Maintenance mode is a common myth in the health and fitness industry. Last week you learned why, this week you’ll learn how to fix it!
Myth of Maintenance
Maintenance mode is a common myth in the health and fitness industry. If you stay where your body has grown comfortable, growth stops and regression begins.
Are Your Goals SMART?
When you want to create a new habit, there are 3 questions to ask yourself. From those three questions you can develop SMART goals.
Summer Plans
If you could wave a magic wand, what would you want to change about your health? Do you know who can make that dream a reality?
The Human Experience
We all experience pain. And while it is never pleasant, it is a necessary part of life. But, pain is not a punishment, and it is not permanent. There are brain-based ways to manage it and this blog will teach you some.
The Clear Way to Feel Younger
We now know that vision, just like movement and balance, is a skill that can be trained and improved! This blog will help get you started with some simple exercises you can do today!