Matrix offers a variety of workshops
Many people believe that balance declines with age, but modern science shows that it doesn’t have to. Even if your balance is great right now, you can still maintain and improve it.
Better yet, the training is easy, safe, and can be done in just a few minutes a day without wobbly surfaces or squishy pads. This workshop will show you how.
Have there been times in your life when you couldn’t move well? How did that lack of movement affect your quality of life?
Most people's movement capacity decreases with age. The majority of this decline isn’t because of aging, but more often a lack of use leading to a loss of skill. This workshop will reintroduce you to the movements that you have lost over the years and just like you learned to move when you were young, you will learn to move again.
We’ve all felt and dealt with pain. Contrary to popular belief, this is a good thing. Pain is your brain’s way of getting you to modify your behavior and keep you safe. In reality, pain is just your brain’s way of asking you to Take Action!!
Unfortunately, we don’t always know what action to take. Come to this workshop and learn novel ways to manage and alleviate your pain without medication or expensive gadgets.
We’ve all heard it and you might have even said it… “When I hit XX years of age, my eyesight started getting worse.” While many people experience this, it doesn’t have to be a fact of life.
Vision is more than reading letters 20 feet away; it’s a skill. Like any other skill, it can be trained and improved or it can worsen with neglect. If you would like to stop the decline and improve your vision skills, come to this workshop.
Let us know you’RE interested in a workshop
Currently, we don’t have any workshops scheduled, but we’ll let you know when we do.
We need to make a form that tags clients interested in workshops with the relevant workshop.