Summer Plans

May is here, the threat of snow is behind us now, and summer is just 4 weeks away! Isn't it crazy how quickly time flies?! Before you know it, the summer could come and go too.

Are you ready to make the most of your summer?

To make sure that you don’t let summer slip away, I’m going to ask you 3 questions…

  1. If you could “wave a magic wand” and make anything you want for your health happen, what would it be?

  2. How important is that goal to you?

  3. How confident are you that you can make that goal happen this summer?

Here is why I am asking.

Most people never permit themselves to ask “WHAT do I want?” And if they do, rarely do they then ask, “WHO can help me achieve it?”

“WHO” can be the Tipping Point question. Finding that person can give you the edge you need.

This summer, my personal goal is to play in a tennis tournament.

It’s a “9” on the importance scale to me. Tennis has always been one of my favorite sports and I think it would be fun to compete at a new level.

But when you ask, “how confident am I that I can make this goal happen?” Now I am a “6”. That’s because I know what I want, but I know how to go about it. I need someone to help me achieve that goal.

And that is why I am asking you these questions; I know I’m not the only one who might need help.

Just like I have to find “the who” to help me compete in a tennis tournament. I want to be the “WHO” to help you achieve your summer goal.

If you give yourself permission to dream and say what you want, I will be there to have the discussion with you about HOW it can happen.

All you have to do is reach out and ask!


Are Your Goals SMART?


The Human Experience