Listen to Your Body

Listen to Your Body

Listen to Your Body

By Shane Sauer

What do you think is most lacking in our society?

Personally, I believe the answer is compassion. While this could be applied to other people, our environment, etc., the most often overlooked form is for one’s self.

It’s hard to be compassionate toward yourself. You’re aware of all the bad things you’ve ever done. You also have expectations for what you can and cannot do.

In essence, this is a double-edged sword. This knowledge and expectation can drive you to great heights, but it can also break you down. Just like a sword’s edge, you need to find the balance to optimize your productivity and longevity.

Over the last few weeks, I’ve discussed ways to train your body and train your brain for the long haul. Now is the time for some pointers on how to recover from all that training.

When it comes to taking care of yourself, there are three primary avenues to consider:

In the links above, I offer you some simple options and steps to help you with each one of these important considerations. Check them out and identify one or two things that might work best for you.

Once you’ve done that, begin to incorporate those things into your life. As you do, keep in mind that you need to be compassionate with yourself. Making even the smallest changes can be threatening to your brain, not to mention all the societal norms you might be going against: norms that are demonstrated in cliches like “sleep when you're dead” and “no pain, no gain.” When you’re going against the grain, you can face setbacks and discouragement. But self-care pays huge dividends in the long run, and I promise you’ll be glad that you made the effort.

If you need some encouragement or help deciding how to be more compassionate toward yourself, send me a message or check out our Facebook Page to tap into a community of like-minded people.


Turning The Corner


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