Train Your Brain

Braining Training Muscles

Train Your Brain

By Shane Sauer

Have you noticed a theme in my most recent blogs? 

The goal is to get you to think about what you love to do and to start doing the small things that will let you do them indefinitely. You’ve read about three of the most important factors to longevity, and last week you learned some easy action steps to help you with the first one: staying purposefully active.

This week, you’ll get to focus on your brain. Most people think the brain is different from the body, that it follows different rules. While this is obviously true in part, it’s also quite wrong. Here are just a few important similarities:

  • Energy - This should come as no surprise. Your brain needs fuel just like your body. When you aren’t fueled your body gets weak and your thinking gets hazy. The same can be true if you choose the wrong fuels.

  • Adaptability - Your brain and your body will change according to the things you do. We’ve always known this about the body, but the theory of neuroplasticity is actually pretty recent. In either case, you will gain or lose abilities based on the actions you take.

  • Novelty - This is the critical one. You have to take on new challenges to drive adaptations. You’ve likely seen this when exercising or rehabbing. You’ll work hard at first and then switch into maintenance mode.

You may also notice that these features are not mutually exclusive. They work in combination. For example, you might do something novel, but if you don’t have the energy the body needs to create adaptation, you won’t get the results you were hoping for.

So what’s the takeaway here? To have longevity in doing the things you love, you’ll need to dedicate a little time and energy on a regular basis toward that goal. And that goes not just for your body, but your brain as well. And since today’s focus is the brain, why not try these things:

  • Breath - This is powerful in so many ways, but it is critical to brain health. The brain cells you’re most interested in are last in line to get this oxygen, so you have to make sure you’ve got enough to supply them.

  • Learn - Adaptation only occurs when you are pushed out of your comfort zone. You don’t have to stray far, but you should push the envelope.

  • Play - The beauty of brain training is that this could be anything! Sights, smells, movements, puzzles, etc. They all require the use of your brain. The trick is to be mindful, and that happens most easily when you’re having fun.

Begin things today! You don’t have to commit to anything outrageous, just start where you are, and make small adjustments over time. And if you aren’t sure of where you are or what you need, you can always reach out to me with questions :-)


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