Turning The Corner

Turning The Corner

By Shane Sauer

Do you feel it?

While we’re not out of this long winter yet, doesn’t it seem like we’re turning a corner? The days are getting longer and warmer. COVID-19 appears to be more under control. 

As we move toward the spring season, I am feeling more hopeful, and I want you to feel the same way.

So I ask you this question: what activities get you excited about spring? It could be things like taking long walks outside, getting back to sports, gardening, etc. Give it some thought and write down the top few. 

Mind exercises like this can pay really big dividends in three ways:

  1. You get excited about the future.

  2. You can get a head start on the future.

  3. You’ll make the most of the time you have to do the things you love.

Look again at the list you have. Just thinking about it should put a little jump in your step.

But here is the next question: is there a gap between your current situation and where you need to be to really enjoy those activities?

Don’t worry if there is, that’s natural after some time off. The key is to make sure you warm yourself up for the activities you’re going to be doing. That way, you’ll be able to avoid the pitfalls and injuries that can take away from your enjoyment.

To help you, consider these three things and come up with some solutions:

  1. Fitness - Get moving in small ways now to be ready for the “new” movements of your activity.

  2. Gear - Check on what you have and go get what you need.

  3. Time - Start booking fun time in your calendar for the months ahead.

When you’re turning the corner in life, just as when driving, you need to be looking ahead for what’s coming out of the turn. That way, you’ll be able to anticipate and accommodate any obstacles.

If it seems like fitness might be an obstacle for you, know I am here to help. You could get started with a Yoga Membership, a screening, or email me with questions about training.


Melting The Ice


Listen to Your Body