You Aren't Going To Like This

Outdoor Yoga

You Aren’t going to Like This

By Shane Sauer

Have you been out enjoying the warmer weather?

Memorial Day is behind us, the solstice is next week, and school is almost out. It’s not technically summer yet, but it sure is starting to feel like it!

If you’re anything like me, you’ve already started some of your favorite summer activities. Whether you’re a biker, hiker, gardener, swimmer, softball or tennis player, I’ve got two pieces of advice for you…



I know you don’t want to hear this – you are excited to get back out there. But even if you’ve been active through the colder months, you’re still not fully conditioned for summer activities.

Many people dive into their activity at full speed, get hurt, and are forced to take time off before they’ve really gotten started.

To avoid this tragedy, plan some recovery time into your schedule. Your body and your mind will thank you, I promise.

Here are some suggestions to help you recover and enjoy the weather:

  • Get A Massage - There's nothing better for recovery. And Carolyn has some openings here at the studio. Give her a call (401.391.9488).

  • Take A Walk - If you typically do things that are more intense than walking, a walk in the woods or by the water can be a perfect recovery activity.

  • Mobility Or Yoga - A joint mobility or yoga practice can be done outdoors. It’ll keep you loose and prepare you for other activities.

  • Foam Rolling - We’ll talk about this more next week, but you can help sore muscles recover and enjoy the outside by rolling out on a blanket in your yard.

  • Read - Fiction or Nonfiction, you can take a book to the beach or enjoy it under a tree.

  • Take A Nap - There’s nothing like a quick doze in a hammock or chair in the shade.

  • Meditation - You don’t have to be stuffed in a quiet room. Sit outside and focus on the noises of the birds and the wind.

  • Play/Float In The Pool - The water helps reduce the load on your joints and muscles. If the weather is hot enough and the water cold enough, you might even consider it a contrast bath ;-)

  • And as an added bonus, experiencing sunshine is a recovery tool as well. So you’ll get an added bonus when you do try them outside.

Try one or two of these this week or come up with something of your own.

If you want to try a Yoga or Mobility practice but aren’t sure how, send us an email and I’ll be happy to share one of my videos with you.


Don’t Call It A Comeback


Keeping Your Back Mobile (Part 2)