Keeping Your Back Mobile (Part 2)

Keeping Your Back Mobile (part 2)

By Shane Sauer

How are you doing this week?

I am feeling much better, although I’m still not 100% back from my sciatica.

It’s because of my sciatica that last week I decided to share some Low Back Mobility with you.

If you haven’t practiced the Lateral Glide, go back and review the drill because we’re taking them to the next level today!

In addition to the lateral movement you’ve already learned, your spine also rotates, flexes, extends, and laterally bends.

Your lumbar spine (low-back) is much more mobile than your thoracic spine (mid-back, where your ribs are). This increased mobility is why you are more susceptible to injury in your lower back.

By training your mobility in your lower back, two amazing things begin to happen:

  1. You learn what the area can and cannot do, protecting you from injury.

  2. You learn to control the area so your brain can remove the muscle tightness it was using to protect you from moving the wrong way.

In other words, Low Back mobility training can loosen you up and keep you safe.

Check out this video to begin your movement training.

The video starts with the movement and gives you some details on the back end. That's so you can use this video as a follow-along every day! It only takes a few minutes and will go a long way to keeping your Low Back healthy and mobile.

Once you’ve tried it, please reach out to me with questions. This is one of my favorite practices and I want to make sure you’re getting the most from it!


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Keeping Your Back Mobile (Part 1)