Keeping Your Back Mobile (Part 1)

Keeping Your Back Mobile (part 1)

By Shane Sauer

For the last two weeks, I’ve been dealing with sciatica.

It’s a very annoying and at times, very painful predicament.

I first experienced this problem more than 13 years ago. The first time it happened, my leg hurt and my back seized up. It took me months to get better and progress was very slow.

As part of my recovery from that first bout of sciatica, I got interested in Yoga and the mobility work that I do now.

The symptoms from this current bout are much more specific and therefore, much more manageable. I’m having none of the back pain and I am only limited in the movements that affect the nerve.

The movement and bodywork that I do and share with you are not going to eliminate your chances of getting hurt. But they absolutely lessen those chances and make you more resilient when something does go wrong.

Since back issues are one of the most common things that the majority (80+%!) of people deal with, I thought you might enjoy learning a simple, lower-back warm-up.

To get started, I want you to practice this Low Back Lateral Glide…

If you’re not used to this movement, it’s important that you start smart and increase the range of motion only as you can without pain.

Also, be sure to only do a few reps (5-10) at first if it’s new to you. Too many reps of something new can cause pain and soreness later even when you don’t feel it in the moment.

The most common error is to move your hips as well as your spine. Do your best to keep the hips still.

Next week we’ll be taking this to the next level, so be sure to practice before then!

In the meantime, if you do have any questions, reach out and let me know.


Keeping Your Back Mobile (Part 2)


Strength Vs. Mobility