The Infinite Mindset

Infinite Mindset Sign

The Infinite Mindset

By Shane Sauer

I just finished a book by Simon Sinek called The Infinite Game. It’s mainly about leadership but it is very relevant to many other things in your life as well.

Considering that we’re heading into the New Year and I’ve challenged you to begin planning for it, now is the time to put some information from this book to use.

Simply put, a finite game is one that you can easily recognize, like sports. A finite game has defined rules, opponents, time limits, and terms for winning.

In an INFINITE game, the rules change, rivals come and go, you play until you run out of resources, and the goal is to keep playing as long as possible.

When it comes to your health and well-being, do you think the game is FINITE or INFINITE?

Hopefully, you believe it is INFINITE. If for no reason other than you want to keep playing as long as possible.

The big catch here is that the mindset required to be successful in one game is almost directly opposite to the mindset for the other.

For instance, if you go into a football game where you invite others to play and hope to keep the game going all afternoon, you’re more likely playing with your family on Thanksgiving than you are competing in the NFL.

On the other hand, in business, if you’re focused solely on beating your competition now rather than advancing your cause and helping your customers in the long term, you’re likely going to make short-term decisions that sacrifice your ability to sustain the company in the future.

In the next few blogs, we’ll explore how this applies to health concepts like your diet or exercise habits. But for now, I wanted to pique your interest and get you thinking about what type of player you are currently and which one you’d like to be.

If you have any questions about how these two mindsets might apply to you personally, please don’t hesitate to reach out and ask. All you need to do is reply to this email with your question and I’ll answer it personally.


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