Resiliency & Yoga

Resiliency & Yoga

By Shane Sauer

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured”.  -B.K.S Iyengar

I want to discuss Yoga with you this week. In an effort to relate last week’s email on resiliency to Yoga, I stumbled upon the above quote.

Even if you’ve never experienced Yoga, wouldn’t it be nice to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured?

Personally, I believe my Yoga practice has helped me resolve a lot of old compensations in my body and it is continuing to prevent others from occurring.

And the best part, science agrees with me!

While many claims about Yoga have not been scientifically confirmed, several benefits have.

To learn more, check out this brief video from TED.

If you’ve ever wanted to try Yoga, if this video sparked your interest, or if you want to get back to your practice, now is the time.

Don’t believe me? There are two common sayings among Yoga practitioners and teachers that speak to this truth:

  1. Start where you are.

  2. Blessed are the inflexible.

“Start where you are” applies to everyone. When you step on your mat to practice, each time will be a new experience. Maybe you’re feeling great or perhaps it's been an awful day. No matter the circumstance, your practice time is for you and it will give you what you need at the moment.

“Blessed are the inflexible” means that more advanced practitioners are actually jealous of beginners! All the crazy poses you might see on the internet – when done properly – are to create an internal awareness or sensation. Beginners can achieve the same result from the simplest of poses.

I hold a class every Friday at 9:30am in the studio. It’s for all levels, so come and check it out.



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