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Melting The Ice

Melting The Ice

By Shane Sauer

The transition from winter into spring is a great opportunity for change.

Last week, I encouraged you to think about what that change will mean for you and your favorite activities.

This week, I want to help prevent you from making the BIG MISTAKE that many people make as they get excited about the warmer weather and longer days.

In the Stages Of Change model, there are five phases:

  • Precontemplation - Why would I change?

  • Contemplation - What if I changed?

  • Preparation - How do I make the change?

  • Action - Here I go!

  • Maintenance - Keep it rolling.

As you move through these stages, the excitement of contemplation can cause you to jump to action prematurely, without going through the needed preparation.

This can lower your chance for success, but when you are changing your activity level, this can be an even bigger problem. Not only do you need the mental preparation to avoid falling back into old habits, but your body also needs preparation to avoid injury!

Think of this time as your spring thaw. There are twenty-one days left in March. That’s twenty-one days for you to melt the ice and be ready to spring into action once April gets here. During these twenty-one days, make an effort to do these 3 things:

  1. If you haven’t yet, choose an activity to enjoy this spring.

  2. Do the mental preparation of identifying what you need and when you get to play.

  3. Do the physical preparation to avoid injury once you start.

To help you with your physical preparation, I’ve got these two videos to offer you. This Basic Warm-Up is a perfect way to get moving if you haven’t chosen an activity or aren’t sure how to get yourself moving for your chosen activity. If you have a good understanding of what you plan to get into, check out this more Advanced Version of the Warm-Up. I do this before all of my activities.

Don’t wait to start using these! Remember, there are only 21 days left to get ready for April 1.

If you need some more specific help, send me a message. I’m here to help :-)