Are You Ready?

Are You Ready?

By Shane Sauer

Can you believe it, April is only a week away?!

This month I have been challenging you to get yourself ready to be active in spring. Now that we’re almost to the end of the month, you can probably put yourself into one of these three groups:

  1. On The Ball - You’re excited about a spring activity and are feeling good about your preparation for it.

  2. Overzealous - You can’t wait for spring to be here, but have been a little too aggressive with your prep work and your body is making you regret having done too much.

  3. Procrastinator - You haven’t given spring much thought and have no idea what you want to do or how to do it.

If you’re On The Ball, congratulations! You’re likely in good shape to hit the ground running next month. Be sure to stay aware of how your body is doing and make sure you're continuing to enjoy what you’re doing.

If you’re in the Overzealous group, now is the time to pull back a little bit. You don’t want to get to the point where your discomfort becomes an injury and prevents you from having fun in the warm weather. To help, put a little more emphasis on recovery techniques by swapping them for some of your current preparation activities. This will help your body recover and prevent you from feeling like you’re missing out.

If you fall into the last category, Procrastinator, don’t worry. There is still time to get going and I am here to help you! Just send us a message and I’ll get back to you right away with some ideas.


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