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Be Brave

Be Brave

By Shane Sauer

Do you know what Saturday is?

It’s officially the first day of Spring!

Knowing that the warmer weather is upon us, aren’t you glad that you’ve gotten a head start thawing yourself out from the winter? I mean, it’s only two weeks until April!

Personally, I am very excited. I’ve been lucky enough to play some tennis indoors over the winter, but getting to play outside is what I am really looking forward to.

I’m very curious to know what you’ve been getting ready to do this spring. Is it something you love, something new, or something you missed out on last year?

No matter what it is you’re choosing to do, I am challenging you to be brave about it.

Being Brave means stepping out of your comfort zone. It only needs to be a small step, but it should be something that challenges you. Here are some examples:

  • If you’re trying something new, you’ve already checked this box.

  • If you’ve done a flower garden before, try some vegetables this year.

  • If you’re a local hiker, consider traveling somewhere new.

I think you get the idea. The beauty of being brave is that you’ll be forced to do some thinking and planning. And planning will reinforce your commitment to what you want to do.

Even more effective than just planning is to tell someone about your plans. Once your plans get out of your head and others become aware of them they become much more real!

In fact, I’m going to be brave right now and tell you that I am planning to do more than play tennis outside like usual. I also intend to find an outdoor competition to participate in. This would be the first time I do more than just hit around with friends.

In summary, for whatever you’re excited about this spring, do these 3 things:

  1. Identify what would be a little more than you normally do.

  2. Plan a way to make that happen.

  3. Tell someone about your plan.

I guarantee that this little exercise will move you closer to what you want to be doing and make it a little bit more exciting.

And, if you’re willing, I’d love to be one of the people you tell about your plan. Send me a message, and I’d be happy to check in with you along the way.