Nutrition For Life

Nutrition For Life

By Shane Sauer

Are you considering a new activity for the New Year? Or are you perhaps contemplating a change in your nutrition?

There are a lot of different diets out there, each with its own pros and cons. You can learn more about them in this blog.

But here is the thing about diets… by definition they are temporary. So if you’re looking for quick results, any of them could work for you. The challenge comes when you try to sustain those results over time.

It’s my belief that you are much better off building sustainable habits and decision-making skills that will last a lifetime than you are chasing quick results.

Approaching your nutrition in this way is using an infinite mindset – a mindset that recognizes the power of short-term goals with an eye on long-term progress.

A diet is beneficial because they typically give you rules to follow which simplifies your decision-making. Over time, however, those same rules can often feel restrictive, causing you stress and anxiety and creating resentment toward the diet.

Changing habits and improving your decision-making is a more challenging process with delayed gratification. However, these changes offer unique approaches, flexibility, and sustainability.

Examples of the unique approaches that become available to you with an infinite mindset versus a basic diet include:

  • Improving sleep to control hunger hormones.

  • Changing driving habits to avoid tempting restaurants.

  • Identifying and planning for periods of lowered willpower.

  • Humming, visceral sensation, and other “brain hacks” to manipulate hunger signals.

Now, if that seems confusing and beyond your abilities, don’t worry. There are people out there like me to help! And hopefully, if you’ve tried dieting before with little success you recognize there are other opportunities out there for you to find success.

The beauty of an infinite mindset approach is that it is not mutually exclusive of using diets. Diets are great tools to jump-start your process and get you early wins – a key component in keeping yourself motivated.

Send me an email if you find these ideas interesting. I’d be very pleased to guide you through your options and find the best path forward for you.

Remember, don’t wait until the New Year. Get started now! Just respond to this email :-)


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