Small Things Matter

Is It Time To Hibernate?

By Shane Sauer

Today, I want to tell you about an experience I recently had.

This experience taught me something important I already knew but hadn’t been reminded of in a while.

If you weren’t aware, I’m a hockey player and I play weekly. However, when I injured my ankle in late summer there were a few weeks where I couldn’t play and then a few more afterward where my schedule prevented me from playing.

When I returned to playing hockey, I noticed that I was getting tired more quickly than normal, both during a single shift and over the course of the game.

At first, I chalked it up to the layoff and figured my endurance would return in a game or two. Unfortunately, even over the next few games I still felt slow and tired.

Now, hockey is a sport that is tricky to stay in shape for because very few exercises can simulate skating or the intensity of gameplay. I’m fortunate that my job and other activities usually do a good job of managing my fitness levels during breaks from hockey, but it seemed like that wasn’t working anymore.

But then something funny happened. I noticed that my skate blades were a bit loose while playing. I had installed new blades during the layoff. They were tight at room temperature, but when they got cold, they shrank and no longer fit properly in the skate.

Lucky for me, there was a simple fix to solve this problem. In my first game back using tight blades, I felt great and my endurance issues were gone.

I couldn’t believe it! All along, it wasn’t a lack of fitness or “getting old”. It was just a small inefficiency that was causing me to work harder than I should have been.

If you’re wondering why I’m telling you this, it is because I believe many people are living their lives this way.

A loose skate blade is just like a joint that doesn’t function properly, eyes that don’t see clearly, or other minor body issues. On its own, it seems minor, but it can have a huge effect on the larger system.

I believe that if you want to live your best life, it’s important to spend time identifying and removing these minor compensations in your body before they become big problems.

If you agree, check out this video. It will show you how to mobilize each of your joints to eliminate compensations and improve function. Use it as a daily warm-up and you’ll be surprised how good you feel!

Do you have more specific concerns you’d like to get some answers for? Just send a message and we can start a conversation.


Yes, You Should Procrastinate


Is It Time To Hibernate?