The #1 Thing To Do Everyday

Monkey Sleeping

The #1 Thing To Do Everyday

By Shane Sauer

It’s me again, Shane. I hope you enjoyed Carolyn’s blog from last week on the stress-reducing power of massage.

This week, I want to share the #1 thing you can do for your body every day… Sleep!

Personally, I take recovery and sleep very seriously. The reason for this is that I have a very physical profession and lifestyle, it is easy for me to do too much and burn out.

But here’s the thing, it’s easy to identify the link between the physical stress I experience and the need for sleep. But no matter its form, stress is still stress and we all need to manage and recover from it.

So, even if your lifestyle is not as physical as mine, you are still under stress and you’ll need to catch your Zzzs to recover from it and be your best self.

I’m sure you’ve heard the many benefits of sleep from weight management to anxiety reduction to better mental and physical performance. Heck, I’ve written about them before.

Rather than dive deeper into those things, I wanted to share this informational video with you from Dr. Andrew Huberman.

** can’t see the video? Try Dr. Huberman’s Sleep Toolkit article**

Dr. Huberman is a neurobiologist from Stanford. And you know how much I like neuro-stuff!

When I came across this video I learned about a number of different things related to sleep:

  • Melatonin & Cortisol Pulses can keep you up at night.

  • How NSDR (non-sleep, deep rest) exercises can help with that.

  • Why body and room temperature are so important.

  • The effect of certain foods on serotonin and your sleep.

I work with my clients to identify the simplest changes they can make to improve their sleep and health. If you’d like help too, you just have to reach out!


Enjoy Life’s Beauty


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