Enjoy Life’s Beauty

Enjoy Life’s Beauty

By Shane Sauer

The weather sure did change with the calendar, didn’t it?

This past weekend I was lucky enough to get out into the New Hampshire wilderness and do some backpacking.

We attempted the Presidential Traverse, an overnight hike across a number of peaks including Mount Washington, the tallest peak on the East Coast. We ended up cutting things a little bit short, but it didn’t detract from the experience.

Spending time in nature enjoying the majestic views, experiencing the night sky without lights, and being awake for the sunrise really reminded me to appreciate my vision.

Vision is your most important sense. I’m sure you’ve experienced how much more difficult balancing is with your eyes closed and how you slow down when moving around in the dark.

While I was in the mountains, I took advantage of the sunrise and the dark nights to do some very simple exercises for my eyes.

You can do these simple vision exercises too! You don’t have to go to the mountains to do it!

Vision training isn’t just for your eyes either.

The best way to keep your body healthy is to use it. That holds true for your brain too! Consider that:

  • 40% of all nerve fibers linked to the brain come from your eyes.

  • 50% of your brain is involved in visual processing.

  • 66% of brain activity when your eyes are open is for vision.

Just like getting your steps in each day, these simple exercises will keep your brain active and healthy.

Isn’t that worth a few minutes of your time?

Please, reach out with any questions you might have. I love answering them.

If you’d like to dive even deeper into vision skills, book a Vision Screening today!


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