Why Are You So Stressed?

WHy are you so stressed?

By Shane Sauer

How was your Halloween?

Halloween is my second favorite holiday (next to Christmas of course, my birthday!) and while I didn’t get to do as much decorating and dressing up as I normally do, I still enjoyed some seasonal festivities (see above).

With Halloween behind us, Thanksgiving is just a few weeks away and then it is the holiday season. Now, I am the type of person who prefers to do one holiday at a time, so I am bothered when Christmas-themed displays start showing up in stores before Thanksgiving is done (or even Halloween for that matter).

But I am going to break my own rule a bit with this blog because I also believe that planning ahead is important, too.

Many people get very stressed out around the holidays. If you happen to be one of these people, would you tell me some of the things that stress you out about the Holidays?

When it comes to staying injury-free, active, and healthy, stress management should be a top priority.

So, for the month of November, I’d like to tailor these blogs toward helping you manage your holiday stress.

When it comes to stress management, being proactive is very important. If you can put some guardrails in place before the real stress hits, it’s much easier to keep it under control. Additionally, incorporating new strategies while you are already stressed can put you over the top.

Let’s make this a team effort to enjoy the upcoming holidays as much as possible.


Party Planning


Getting Back in the Swing of Things