2 Steps For an Amazing 2021

2 Steps For an Amazing 2021

By Shane Sauer

The new year is underway! How has it started for you? Does 2021 seem different than 2020, yet?

If you’re truly honest with yourself, you’ll recognize that turning the calendar to a new year doesn’t really make anything different. What makes things different are the actions you decide to take once the calendar turns.

So, if you really want to make 2021 better than 2020 I’ve got two simple tips to help you get started.

  1. When deciding what to change, make sure that the change is really important to you. Because change is hard, and if it’s not important enough, you won’t have the stamina to keep going.

  2. Identify the steps needed for change to happen and make sure you are confident that you can take the first step.

For a change to be important to you, it takes more than knowing it. You have to feel it! We all know that increasing activity, eating well, and sleeping 7-9 hours are important to our health. But there are still many that don’t do it. There’s no emotional connection to those activities for those people. To succeed, you’ll need to dig a little deeper and find an emotional link to your goal.

Being confident in your ability to make change is as equally important as having an emotional connection to the change. I’m sure that you’ve felt strongly about doing something before, but didn’t know how to begin. Or, once you got started, you realized that you bit off more than you could chew. The trick is to break an action down into a component small enough that you can get it done on your worst day. Success most often comes from incremental progress that can be sustained.

Your challenge for this week is to give this some thought. Is there something you are trying to or want to change in your life? Does it feel important? Are you confident you can get started?

Once you’ve mulled this over, read the next blogs to get some more details on how you can create an emotional connection or break a habit down.

And remember, if you can’t wait that long, you can reach out to me at any time. I’d love to help you with your specific situation.


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