Daily Tip #30 - Do Something Fun!
Today will be the final Daily Tip. And I may have saved the best for last. If you want to be happy and healthy make sure you find a little time every single day to do this one thing.
Daily Tip #29 - Making Things A Priority
Where do your Daily Tips live?
If you find value in something and want to have it be a part of your life, you have to consciously make room for it. If you don’t, you’ll constantly fall back into old routines.
Daily Tip #28 - Making Use of Novelty
Do you get excited to try something new?
Well, your brain does too! But when we just repeat the same old thing, it gets bored. This Tip will show you how to keep things fresh, so you keep getting better.
Daily Tip #27 - Minimal Effective Dose
Have you ever heard the saying, ”exercise is like medicine”? I’d be surprised if you hadn’t. But there is more truth to it than you might think. Yes, exercise keeps you healthy, but too much of it can be harmful. Today, you’ll learn how to create the right dosage for you.
Daily Tip #26 - Assess/Reassess
Today marks a shift in the Daily Tips. Now that you have 25 different Tips to pull from, I’ll begin to show you how to best make use of them. Your first tool, assess and reassess.
Daily Tip #25 - Puff Walking
The weekend looks to be beautiful, so today’s Tip is an exercise for the outside. Just like Peripheral Walking, Puff Walking is something you can do without anyone else knowing. Give it a shot and see what score you can get!
Daily Tip #24 - Ladder Breathing
The Daily Tips have offered a lot of advice on breathing; Belly Breathing, Straw Breathing, Not Breathing. Today you’ll learn how to put these together to build breathing competency. And you’ll get two of the best stretches you've ever had!
Daily Tip #23 - Air Hunger
What makes you uncomfortable? In today’s Tip, you’re going to get uncomfortable on purpose. This exercise will challenge you physically, help you cellularly, and strengthen your resiliency.
Daily Tip #22 - Tongue Training
When it comes to training your muscles, do you ever consider your tongue? I know… it sounds weird! But, it’s a big muscle that studies show can play a big role in your overall strength. Plus it interacts with muscles in your jaw and neck. So, if you’ve had issues there…
Daily Tip #21 - Hip Mobility Progression
If you’ve got tight hips and the stretch/squeeze sequence from last week didn’t help, maybe you need some added mobility. For today’s Tip, we’re back on the floor again to try a hip mobility progression. Grab a mat, take a seat, and see what level you can get to!
Daily Tip #20 - The Diaphragm Stretch
Are you ready for a challenge? Today’s Tip might make you a little uncomfortable. But the long term benefits outweigh the “weirdness”. Today you’re going to learn to stretch your diaphragm which will help you Belly-Breathe better. Plus, it brings movement and sensation to your viscera, stimulating our friend the Vagus Nerve.
Daily Tip #19 - A Hip Release
Have you ever heard someone say that they store their tension in their hips or shoulders? Well, there is a lot of truth to that. Your subconscious will move your body toward the fetal position when you’re under stress. That means shoulders and hip flexors tighten up for protection. We did a shoulder release earlier. In today’s Tip, we’ll do one for the hips.
Daily Tip #18 - Creating New Habits
Do you have a hard time changing your habits? Everyone does! It’s the hardest thing to do. Subconsciously you build your environment to maintain a routine. This happens because your brain wants to save energy. So much so, that it even hardwires itself to maintain your routines. To form new habits, you have to change your environment. This Tip will help you do so!
Daily Tip #17 - Adjusting Your Sleep
Getting the right amount of sleep is so important. In fact, the health benefits are so vast that it probably should have been my first Daily Tip. While you’re stuck at home, now is the best possible time to build a good sleep routine. Today’s tip will give you a method for creating the best routine to fit your needs.
Daily Tip #16 - A Different Type of Mindfulness
Mindfulness garners a lot of attention nowadays. And for good reason! We are overwhelmed with stimulus and can all benefit from some down-time. Many mindfulness techniques are simple, but that can be misleading because people think simple means easy. Today’s Tip will offer a type of mindfulness that is a little more complex and a challenge to go with it!
Daily Tip #15 - Bag Breathing
You’re going to need a paper bag for today’s Tip. Last Friday, when we did Straw Breathing, I introduced the importance of CO2 balance. Today, we’re going to explore that further and challenge your breathing capacity.
Daily Tip #14 - Low Back Relief
The lower back. When things are good, we don’t give it a second thought. When things go wrong, it can quickly become a problem area. Today’s Tip will help you begin to relieve any issues if things are going wrong and give you reasons not to neglect it when things are good.
Daily Tip #13 - Eye Stretches (Circles)
We all know that staring at a screen all day isn’t good for our eyes. Think back to the isometric core squeezes we did yesterday. Staring at a screen creates that same type of contraction in your eye muscles. But holding that squeeze all day long, as opposed to just 3-5 seconds, fatigues and creates tension in the muscles. Today we’ll work on some eye stretches to help get your eyes moving and release some of that tension.
Daily Tip #12 - Core (and Immune) Strengthening
For a couple of Daily Tips last week we worked on squeezing our muscles. We learned how this can not only get you strong, but help enhance immune function too. Today we’ll work on the core muscles which give even more bang for your buck!
Daily Tip #11 - Neck Tension Relief
I don’t know about you, but one thing I have noticed building in my body over the last few weeks is neck tension. Today’s tip will show you a couple of basic movements that can help alleviate and prevent neck pain.