More than just your muscles

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Posts in Daily Tip
Daily Tip #19 - A Hip Release

Have you ever heard someone say that they store their tension in their hips or shoulders? Well, there is a lot of truth to that. Your subconscious will move your body toward the fetal position when you’re under stress. That means shoulders and hip flexors tighten up for protection. We did a shoulder release earlier. In today’s Tip, we’ll do one for the hips.

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Daily Tip #18 - Creating New Habits

Do you have a hard time changing your habits? Everyone does! It’s the hardest thing to do. Subconsciously you build your environment to maintain a routine. This happens because your brain wants to save energy. So much so, that it even hardwires itself to maintain your routines. To form new habits, you have to change your environment. This Tip will help you do so!

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Daily Tip #13 - Eye Stretches (Circles)

We all know that staring at a screen all day isn’t good for our eyes. Think back to the isometric core squeezes we did yesterday.  Staring at a screen creates that same type of contraction in your eye muscles. But holding that squeeze all day long, as opposed to just 3-5 seconds, fatigues and creates tension in the muscles.  Today we’ll work on some eye stretches to help get your eyes moving and release some of that tension.

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