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Your Brain’s Toolbox series

Do you have recurring injuries? Or performance plateaus that you just can seem to break through?

These problems are common for people of all ages and at all skill levels. Often times, to break the cycle and generate improvement, you can simply do the obvious things, like get back to your rehab exercises or change your workout routine.

But if you’ve tried that and are still not finding success, it can be incredibly frustrating!

In these cases, the underlying issue might be hidden in the higher order components of your neuro-muscular system. When there are even small challenges for these components (like your vision and inner ear), there comes a point when the rest of your body can’t compensate for them anymore.

This is when you need to change your approach and try something novel, like Brain-Based Training.

At MATRIX, we understand the Applied Neuro-Anatomy necessary for good Brain-Based training. That’s why we can still create change when more traditional approaches fail.

The “Your Brain’s Toolbox” series is a collection of blogs that begin to explain the higher order components of your neuro-muscular system. It also includes a number of videos with simple drills to help you work on each one of the systems.

Together, this will help you understand why you might need to investigate these higher order components and what you can do to test and train them.