Daily Tip #9 - Q&A



My question/ concern for today's tip "feel your heartbeat". While I had no problem feeling my heartbeat using my fingers on my wrist, I could,t feel any heartbeat while just sitting! Is there anything I can do, other than keep trying to get better at feeling my heartbeat while sitting at rest?


I am glad you were able to take your pulse. That's an important start ;-)  This drill is very challenging, so don't worry if you couldn't find your heart rate. With practice, it will get there. To give you some success upfront try doing what I told you not to do in the video. Create a connection to something else for feedback. Your hand over your heart is probably the easiest. Then resting yourself against something firm like the floor or a hard-backed chair.

Another route is to do the drill when not at rest. Since I know you workout, I'm sure you've felt your heartbeat during or after exercise. You could try getting active and then pausing to feel your heartbeat. The progression from there would be to do less and less intensive exercise and still find the heartbeat.

I hope that helps!  Let me know how it goes.


Daily Tip #10 - Straw Breathing


Daily Tip #9 - Find Your Heart