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Frequently Asked Questions about MATRIX

By Shane Sauer

Here at MATRIX Personalized Fitness, we use Brain-Based techniques and strategies to help you get out of pain, change your body, and improve your performance. But what is Brain-Based Training, and why does it work?  Here are the answers to some of those frequently asked questions about MATRIX:

What is MATRIX?

First and foremost, MATRIX Personalized Fitness is a personal training studio. Our main goal is to help people move better, regardless of age, fitness level, or lifestyle. We make this happen using Brain-Based Training.

What is Brain-Based Training?

Traditional training practices focus on how your muscles move your bones. Brain-Based training takes it one step further and explores how your brain and nervous system control your muscles. Your brain and nervous system are also responsible for understanding how your body is positioned in space and interacting with the things around you. By working with this higher-level system, Brain-Based Training affords greater opportunity for creating change in your body.

Why have I never heard of Brain-Based training before?

Brain-Based training is on the cutting edge of science. We have had the ability to study the mechanics of human movement for hundreds, if not thousands of years. However, it wasn’t until recent advances in technology that we could begin to study the brain and nervous system. Because of this, we are only now beginning to understand the complexity of the brain and nervous system and how we can manipulate it for your advantage.

How is Brain-Based training similar to and different from traditional personal training?

Remember, Brain-Based training is built on the foundation of more traditional training principles. That means, 90% of what you do in Brain-Based training would also be seen in a traditional training setting. So, there are a lot of similarities! The differences show up in the expertise of your coach. At first, some time will be dedicated to understanding what additional drills your nervous system needs to perform optimally. Then, those drills are integrated into a more traditional training format. Additionally, because your nervous system responds to change much more quickly than your bones and muscles, Brain-Based training can identify the new needs of your body more quickly.

Will I get a “workout” with Brain-Based Training?

ABSOLUTELY!! Even with all of the neuro-“tricks” Brain-Based training affords, you still have to work hard to get meaningful results. Whether you’re getting out of pain or improving your fitness, your body doesn’t change unless it’s challenged. The challenge, however, will be based upon your current ability and goals.

What can I expect when I train at MATRIX?

All training at MATRIX starts with taking an injury history, defining goals, and a basic functional movement and neuro screen. Most of this takes place during your initial consult. The next steps depend on what type of training you and your trainer decide is best for you.

One-on-One Training

One-on-One training starts with a more in-depth evaluation. Based on this, the initial screen, and testing of appropriate drills, a 5-7 minute daily routine is designed. If you’re goals are pain related, we continue to develop this routine. If you’re training for fitness, you’ll then move into learning the Foundations of Fitness to make your workouts effective and keep you injury free. This foundation will also include some Brain-Based skill training. Once you have this foundation, you’ll move into progressively advancing workouts tailored toward your goals.

Small Group Training

Small group training is for you if you’re interested in improving your fitness. You’ll be asked to take at least one individual session to build your daily routine and ensure you have a Foundation of Fitness. Once you’re able to pass all the items on our checklist, you’ll be able to join no more than 4 other people for workouts tailored toward each of your goals.

The Three Pillars Workshop

The Three Pillars workshop is a 6- or 12-week large group program. It will teach you the foundations of Brain-Based training: Moving Well, Seeing Well, and Balancing Well. You’ll discover the drills that work best for your nervous system and should experience reductions in pain and improvements in mobility.

Does MATRIX offer anything else?

Yes, at MATRIX we have Nutrition Coaching and Massage Therapy. While these offerings do not involve the same screening process as personal training, they do have effects on both your body and your brain.

Nutrition Coaching

Good nutrition is critical to good health. Rather than radical diets for rapid, but unsustainable weight loss, this online program teaches you the habits that will bring you progressive, sustainable weight change and management. The ProCoach online platform provides you with a new nutritional habit every two weeks. To ensure those habits stick, the program engages your brain with daily lessons and accountability through direct messaging with your coach. The program runs for a full-year.

Massage Therapy

Recovery and relaxation are key to having a strong body and a strong mind. Massage therapy provides both of these. Through touch, your massage therapist intuitively works with your body to unwind and relax your musculature. Helping you reduce pain and regain appropriate movement quality.

If there are other questions you might have about MATRIX Personalized Fitness, please feel free to contact us at any time to ask them. We would love to hear from you!