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Summer In Review

Summer In Review

By Shane Sauer

Can you believe that September starts tomorrow! It sure feels like this summer went quickly, but I guess they all do.

While I’m sure there is still some summer weather to enjoy, with Labor Day less than a week away it’s time to start thinking about a return to your “normal” or non-summer routine.

Before you do that, however, it’s always a good idea to look back on what you’ve done (or haven’t done) for the last few months. That way, as your new schedule starts to take hold, you can actively add the things you want to include and remove the things that aren’t important to you.

Personally, I had some good successes over the summer, but also fell off track with a few things I want to prioritize. For example, I got into a good routine of creating content to share with you. But on the flip side, I lost the meditation habit I had created during the worst of the pandemic months.

That’s why this fall, when I look at the changes in my day to day routine, I’m going to make a point to maintain the space I have for content creation while making room for my meditation practice once again.

Take a moment right now and reflect on your last few months…

  • What are you proud of?

  • What do you want to keep doing?

  • What do you want to let go of?

  • What might you want to add?

Now, send me your answer. We’ll spend the month of September working together to make these changes a reality.

If you couldn’t come up with anything? That’s OK too. Think back on some of our discussions this summer (mobility, hearing, memory, strength, speed, vision, and balance) and choose the one that resonates with you.

Still having trouble? I got you. Just send me a message and we’ll figure it out together!

I’d love some company on this journey, so don’t hesitate to take this opportunity and join me.