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Build from the Foundation

Build from the Foundation

By Shane Sauer

When it comes to running, or any summer activity that requires you to be upright, it’s best to start with your feet.

I’ve already written about this topic, but here are the big considerations when it comes to your feet and how important they are for running and walking:

  • Your feet have 26 bones, 33 joints, and over 100 muscles.

  • Running can load your foot with up to 7x your body weight on each step!

  • If your feet don’t absorb that load, your other joints and muscles will.

In other words, your feet are really important. Think about it. Based on those numbers, you could put 1 million pounds of force through your feet by running less than a mile!

To protect your feet and your body, I’m offering you this one simple exercise to keep those 33 joints moving well and to help strengthen those 100 muscles:

The best part of doing this exercise is the whole-body effect it can have. Because your feet are your foundation for running and walking, as your feet move better and get stronger, they are better equipped to protect the rest of your body.

Remember that pain is not necessarily a bad thing. It’s your subconscious mind communicating to you that you’re not safe and something needs to change. By strengthening your feet and protecting your body you could eliminate current pain and prevent future pains!

After you try the exercise, let me know if you have any questions.