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Injury, Ice, & Nutrition

Injury, Ice, & Nutrition

By Shane Sauer

I’m grateful when I can go outside and enjoy the fall weather, but I recently sprained my ankle. The doctor told me that recovery would be 4-6 weeks before I could really begin to use it.

Thankfully, I was able to get back to my activities in even less time and I wanted to share some of the tools I used with you. That way, the next time you are suffering from an injury, you’ll be able to recover quickly too.

As I begin telling you my story in this email, keep your eyes peeled for 2 interventions:

  1. Icing the Injury

  2. Nutrition & Sleep for Recovery

My injury happened on a Sunday night while playing soccer. Basically, someone mistook my foot for the ball. Like a dummy, I did finish playing through the pain (we were already short players).

I was able to drive home and along the way, I stopped at the grocery store. I made sure to pick up some blueberries and pineapple as they are great sources of nutrients that promote healing.

By the time I got home, walking was more uncomfortable and the swelling started. My ankle was already twice its size. I used some ice to manage the initial swelling and help with the discomfort.

Now if you haven't heard me get on my soapbox about ice, watch out because I’m making the climb...

Ice is an amazing tool for stopping swelling and reducing pain. However, swelling is an important part of the healing process that you hinder when you overuse ice. By slowing down this process you prolong the time it takes to recover. Use ice only immediately after the injury (24hrs or less) to mitigate the fluids pouring into the site from damaged vessels. After that, your body can naturally regulate the swelling and ice should only be used for pain tolerance (it’s better for you than NSAIDs).

Let me know if you have questions about that, it might be contrary to what you’ve always been told. Coming down from the soapbox now…

While treating the injury, I also enjoyed a protein shake that I regularly enjoy that includes some turmeric, and ate the fruit I bought at the store.

When injured, you’ll need to keep your calories up and include extra protein. Your body works hard when it’s healing and it needs the protein to repair the injury.

From there, I went to bed. Sleep and rest are also critical for recovery. I planned to make that a priority for the next few weeks.

That’s where the story ends for now, I’ll continue it in the next blog. There were some important ideas I do want to summarize for you:

  • When you get hurt, don’t be a hero. Stop and give your body what it needs.

  • Nutrition is important. Prioritize protein.

  • Sleep and rest are equally or more important.

  • Ice is healthier than pills for pain, but don’t use it for swelling after the initial incident. It’ll only prolong the process.

I can also share some more details with you in a concise PDF. If you’d like that, reach out and ask. I’ll send it along.