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The Clear Way to Feel Younger

In the last few emails, I've discussed how your life will improve when you move better and balance better

Today, I want you to know what your life would be like if you could SEE better. Consider these questions...

  • Have you found it harder to read as you’ve gotten older?

  • Is driving more stressful than when you were younger?

  • Does using eyewear limit your ability to enjoy certain things fully?

If you answered yes to any of these, then now is the time to begin vision training!

Personally, when I’m in my 50s and 60s, I intend to see as I do right now. And believe it or not, I am seeing better today than I did when I was in my 20s!

Science has proven that things we once thought were inevitable about aging turn out to be things we can control.  We now know that vision, just like movement and balance, is a skill that can be trained and improved!

For more than 5 years now, I’ve been taking a deep dive into how this science can be applied to the average person. I’ve tried on myself and created the training habits that produce measurable results. But it never would have happened if someone hadn’t told me that vision can be improved!

I started MATRIX to pass this information along and to help you with your journey. If seeing well throughout your lifetime is important to you, sign up for MATRIX’s Vision Screening and get started.

If however, you want to give things a try on your own, I’m still here to help. Vision training can be complicated, but to make sense of the different skills involved, it’s easiest to think of these three things:

  1. Eye Movements

  2. Peripheral Vision

  3. Recovery for your eyes.

Just like sitting on a couch will decondition your body, watching a screen all day will decondition your eyes. And just like moving your body will help it function better, moving your eyes will help them stay healthy. I’ve written about this in detail before. You can check out part 1 and part 2 of my blog on vision for specific exercises to help you. Videos included!

Peripheral vision is what allows you to be more aware of your environment and anticipate things that may happen around you. This is critical to keeping you safe and allowing you to move freely. Your peripheral vision narrows the more focused you become (like on a screen) and when you get stressed out! Fortunately, training peripheral vision is easier than you think. Just try this simple exercise. It will help you relax too!

Just as with any type of exercise, it’s important to let your eyes recover after training. There are a number of ways to do this, but palming is my favorite.

I promise that if you dedicate a few minutes every day to your eyes, your time will not be wasted.

Even better, as your vision skills improve, your movement and balance will show signs of improvement too. Vision is so important and integral to both of these skills, you’ll inevitably get results.
The drills listed above are a great place to start. But remember, if it seems complicated and you’d like some personalized help, the MATRIX Vision Screening is always available.